Start Your Project Now: Hire Software Talent Instantly (Pricing & Hiring Guide)

Flexible Pricing Plans Tailored for Your Tech Team's Expansion

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Enhanced developer access for scaling software projects



Architect / Lead


Project Manager


QA Engineer

  • Exclusively for tasks exceeding 40 hours with a single resource
  • Agile project management
  • Dedicated developer support


Full-spectrum development team for end-to-end startup growth.



Architect / Lead


Project Manager


QA Engineer

  • minimum of 3 resources,
  • Agile project management
  • Dedicated resoruce


Foundation-tier coding support for startup essentials.



Architect / Lead


Project Manager


QA Engineer

  • Package designed for concise tasks. capped at a maximum of 40 hours.

Frequently asked questions about prices

What typical team size do I need to start an MVP project?

To kickstart your MVP project, you’ll typically need a lean team comprising at least one front-end developer and one back-end developer. This core team ensures the initial development and functionality of your project. As you progress, it’s advisable to add a dedicated QA team to ensure quality and reliability. Over the course of three months leading up to the MVP launch, we recommend scaling the team gradually to accommodate evolving project needs and ensure a successful launch.

Can I adjust the number of resources allocated to my project?

Absolutely, you have the flexibility to scale your team size up or down according to project needs, with a notice period of two weeks. This allows for agile response to project dynamics while maintaining development momentum

What technologies are you specialized in?

We specialize in a broad range of modern programming languages and technologies, including:

  • Front-end frameworks such as Angular and React,
  • Back-end technologies including .NET, PHP, and Java,
  • Databases such as MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server,
  • Cloud development platforms like Azure and AWS.

This ensures we can effectively handle diverse project requirements​.

What is your project management approach?

We employ agile project management methodologies, allowing for flexibility and iterative development. This approach ensures we can adapt to changes and deliver the highest value within the project’s timeline and budget constraints

How will we communicate and collaborate during the project?

Our communication plan includes regular updates, agile sprints, and access to project management tools like Jira and Slack. We ensure transparent and continuous communication to keep you informed and involved at every stage of the project​

What does MVP stand for and what is it?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It is a development technique in which a new product or website is developed with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. The primary goal of an MVP is to gather feedback and validate assumptions about the product with the least amount of effort and resources. We aim to develop the MVP within a timeframe of three months, focusing on delivering essential features to achieve the desired outcomes efficiently.

Do you offer support after the project is launched?

Yes, we provide comprehensive post-launch support, including bug fixes, performance optimization, and feature enhancements, to ensure the longevity and success of your project. Our maintenance plans are designed to provide peace of mind and ongoing improvement

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