
Snipp Interactive brings together a modular PaaS technology suite and best-in-class marketing expertise to meet all customer acquisition, retention, and engagement needs. To enhance their digital offerings, Snipp aimed to develop a mobile-first solution that extends the capabilities of their existing customer engagement platforms. TPLEX partnered with Snipp Interactive to achieve this digital transformation.

Technology Used:
The Challenges

Snipp Interactive sought to elevate their customer engagement platforms by introducing a mobile-first solution. The primary challenge was to seamlessly integrate complex functionalities such as loyalty programs, promotions, and rewards into a user-friendly mobile experience. Additionally, the solution needed to ensure robust performance and ease of use across various devices, addressing the diverse needs of Snipp customer base.


The Solution

Design, Wireframing & Development:

TPLEX developed a comprehensive mobile application that seamlessly aligns with Snipp Interactive’s strategic goals, following a meticulous and well-structured process. The journey began with an in-depth discovery and planning phase, where TPLEX engaged closely with Snipp to capture the mobile app’s essential features and requirements, ensuring a clear understanding of the project’s objectives. This was followed by a design and wireframing stage, where user-centric designs were crafted to facilitate a seamless user journey.

TPLEX then moved into iterative prototyping, refining the user experience and interface based on real-time feedback to create an intuitive and responsive application. The development phase utilized advanced cross-platform tools, ensuring a consistent and high-quality experience across both Android and iOS devices. To uphold the highest standards of performance and security, comprehensive testing and quality assurance processes were rigorously conducted. Following the successful launch, TPLEX committed to ongoing iteration, leveraging user analytics and feedback to continuously enhance the application, ensuring it remains aligned with user needs and business objectives.

Cross-Platform Application:

Lastly, we developed a cross-platform mobile application that worked seamlessly across iOS and Android devices. The application integrated loyalty programs, promotions, and rewards into a cohesive mobile experience. Robust testing was conducted to ensure the app’s performance, security, and usability across various devices and operating systems.

The Outcome

The collaboration between Snipp Interactive and TPLEX led to impressive achievements. The enhanced mobile experience resulted in a 50% increase in customer engagement, as users found the platform more intuitive and rewarding to use. The seamless integration of loyalty programs, promotions, and rewards led to a 30% increase in platform adoption, with more users utilising the mobile app for their engagement needs. Furthermore, the introduction of a mobile-first solution significantly boosted user interaction on the platform, with a notable surge in mobile app usage and engagement metrics.

For SNIPP, we put together a robust digital strategy
Increase in customer engagement
Platform adoption

Success Rate


An Ongoing Partnership

The successful transformation of Snipp’s platform has fostered a strong, ongoing partnership with our team. We continue to provide support and innovation, ensuring the platform remains efficient and cutting-edge. This collaboration enables continuous improvements and new features, keeping Snipp at the forefront of the advertising and marketing industry. Together, we are committed to driving further growth and delivering exceptional user experiences.