
Clumeo is a platform designed to simplify community management and streamline payment processes. It offers an integrated solution to enhance operational efficiency and boost user engagement. However, Clumeo faced significant challenges in transitioning from a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) to a fully functional platform. They partnered with TPLEX to leverage our expertise in advanced technology solutions.

Technology Used:
The Challenges

Clumeo’s primary challenge was to evolve from an MVP to a robust, fully functional platform capable of handling complex community management and payment processes. This transition required scaling the product to accommodate a growing user base while ensuring a seamless user experience. Additionally, Clumeo needed to integrate comprehensive features within tight deadlines to stay competitive and meet user expectations. The platform had to be scalable, reliable, and feature-rich to handle the increasing demands of its users.


The Solution

To address Clumeo’s challenges, TPLEX developed a strategic plan encompassing MVP development, feature expansion, and system integration.

MVP Development:

In the initial phase, the MVP developed to make sure it would be a solid base for further development. TPLEX thoroughly analyzed Clumeo’s existing MVP, finding opportunities for enhancement and optimization. During this stage, the platform’s key features were enhanced, stability was ensured, and the platform was set up for feature expansion.

Feature Expansion:

With the MVP optimized, the next step was to expand the platform’s feature set. TPLEX implemented a wide range of features to enhance community management and payment processing. These features included advanced user management tools, automated payment systems, and real-time analytics. The feature expansion was designed to provide a comprehensive solution that met all of Clumeo’s requirements while maintaining a seamless user experience.

System Integration:

A critical aspect of the solution was integrating various systems to ensure smooth operation and data flow. TPLEX leveraged .NET Core for robust backend development, Hangfire for efficient job scheduling, and MySQL for reliable database management. These technologies were integrated to create a scalable architecture capable of handling high traffic and complex transactions. The integration process also involved ensuring data consistency, security, and real-time accessibility.

The Outcome

The collaboration between Clumeo and TPLEX resulted in significant improvements in the platform’s performance and capabilities.

Seamless User Experience:

The optimized MVP and expanded feature set provided a seamless user experience. Users could easily manage their communities and handle payments efficiently. The intuitive interface and real-time functionality enhanced user satisfaction and engagement.

Scalable Architecture:

The integration of .NET Core, Hangfire, and MySQL created a scalable architecture that could accommodate Clumeo’s growing user base. The platform was now capable of handling increased traffic and complex operations without compromising performance. This scalability ensured that Clumeo could continue to grow and serve more users effectively.

Enhanced Feature Set:

The comprehensive feature expansion provided Clumeo with all the tools necessary for effective community management and payment processing. The new features streamlined operations, improved data management, and provided valuable insights through real-time analytics. This enhancement made Clumeo a more robust and competitive platform in the market. 

For Clumeo, we put together a robust digital strategy


The successful partnership between Clumeo and TPLEX led to remarkable achievements.


Operational Efficiency


Delivery speed


Success Rate

Timely and Successful Launch

TPLEX ensured that all developments and integrations were completed within the communicated deadlines, allowing Clumeo to launch the optimized platform on time. This timely launch helped Clumeo maintain its competitive edge and meet user expectations.

Implementation of Customised Solutions

The customised solutions provided by TPLEX addressed all of Clumeo’s specific needs. These tailored developments ensured that the platform could handle its unique operational requirements effectively, resulting in a highly functional and efficient system.

Increased Operational Efficiency by 60%

The optimised processes, automated systems, and scalable architecture led to a 60% increase in operational efficiency. This significant improvement allowed Clumeo to manage more tasks with less effort, reducing operational costs and enhancing overall productivity.


An Ongoing Partnership

The successful transformation of Clumeo’s platform has fostered a strong, ongoing partnership with our team. We continue to provide support and innovation, ensuring the platform remains efficient and cutting-edge. This collaboration enables continuous improvements and new features, keeping Clumeo at the forefront of the advertising and marketing industry. Together, we are committed to driving further growth and delivering exceptional user experiences.